Sample Notebook
dataset = 'sample_data'
gpu_type = 'A100'
import tensorflow
import datetime
print(f"Time: {}")
a = 10
b = a + 5 #15
from IPython.display import Image
url = ''
print(f"Time: {}")
a = a + 5
b = b + 10 #25
from IPython import display
import plotly
print(f"Time: {}")
def some_math(x, z) -> tuple:
return (round(x + z, 2), round(x / z, 2))
a = a * 20
b = b * 100 #2500
print(f"B = {b}")
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats
print(f"Time: {}")
mu = 0
std = 1
x = np.linspace(start=-4, stop=4, num=100)
y = stats.norm.pdf(x, mu, std)
a = a + 5
b = b + 10 # 2515
plt.plot(x, y)
import requests
import pandas as pd
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import chart_studio.plotly as py
print(f"Time: {}")
url = ''
df = pd.read_csv(url)
a = a * 1000
b = b / 67 # 37.5373134328
a = a + 5
b = b + 10 # 47.5373134328
print(f"Time: {}")
g = some_math(8, 21)
print(f"Time: {}")
j = g[0]
k = g[1]
print(f"Time: {}")
a = a + 5
b = b + 10 # 57.5373134328
print(f"j: {j}")
print(f"k: {k}")
print(f"Time: {}")
a = a + 5
b = b + 10 # 67.5373134328
print(f"Time: {}")
print(f"Accessing the value of B: {b}")
print(f"Time: {}")