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Adding Steps

In order to add steps, we need a comment in the notebook itself. This can be done by adding a tag in the notebook, or a comment in the python file.

Allowing for Adding Specific Tags

First, go to the notebook settings and view "Cell Metadata":

The menu item for displaying tags for Jupyter cells

Add a Tag that Specifies a Step

Second, go to the cell you want to split steps with, and add a tag of the following form: same_step_x where x is a digit of any length. (We currently only support linear DAG execution so even though we ask for digits, we don't actually do anything with them.)

Add step information to cell

Execute the step

Now, when you execute same program run the cells will automatically be grouped together into steps, and executed serially. No additional work is necessary for the end user.

A sample three step execution

We inject two additional steps for each graph, a "run info" step (which is necessary because we only know things like Run ID when the step is executed), and the "context" step (which adds a default, well-formed context dictionary to the graph).

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